Sunday, 18 June 2017

Weird Luke The Cowboy

Weird Luke was a cowboy
But a special kind of one.
He wore a cowboy hat and boots
But never used a gun.

He slept beneath the stars
And helped the cows when they got stuck,
But it wasn't from a horse's back
'Cause Luke would ride his duck.

Sure, the duck was small
And Luke got laughed at by the farmers,
But the duck was brave and loyal
With the strength of 20 llamas.

He rode his duck to town one day.
A town called Deadman's Creek.
He had to get his haircut
And his shopping for the week.

He hitched his duck to a post
By one of the saloons,
Pushed through the flappy wooden doors
And saw the bright balloons.

There were balloons of every colour:
Purple, yellow, green and red.
Luke wondered what was happening
Until the Barman said:

It's Evil Jake's birthday
And things will get unpleasant
If he comes in and finds you here
And you've not brought a present!”

Just as the Barman stopped talking
The doors went flappity flap
And standing there right next to Luke
Was a nasty looking chap.

Short and round with shaggy hair
And great big bushy beard.
My name is Evil Jake” he said,
And I hate you 'cause you're weird!”

Now today it is my birthday,
A day when I have fun.
A day for lots of presents
So have you brought me one?”

No I didn't” Luke replied.
I didn't know it was today.
I just came for a trim and food.
I'll just be on my way.”

Luke went outside to get his duck
And found a waiting crowd.
But his path was quickly blocked by Jake
Who shouted mean and loud.

If you try and come back to town
Then you'll be out of luck.
Get out! Stay out! Don't come back!
You and your stupid duck!”

The crowd all gasped as they saw
The look upon Luke's face.
Nobody says that 'bout my duck,
I challenge you to a race!”

OK” Said Jake. “Let's start now.
We got no time for practices.
Over the bridge and along the gorge
Then back through the field of cactuses.”

Jake jumped upon his horse
A huge brown and angry steed.
It reared up and snorted loudly
Then shot off at super speed.

Luke did not chase after,
Confusing the townsfolk
Instead he climbed upon his duck,
Turned to them, and spoke:

I know people call me weird
But folk of Deadman's Creek,
You really mean I'm special,
One of a kind, or quite unique!”

You're weird but nice” a local said.
Though your mount is beaked and teeny,
Every one in town is supporting you
To beat that mean old meanie!”

Luke then shook the reins he held
And duck quacked loud and frightening.
Then off he shot, the feathered beast,
Fast as a streak of lightning.

Jake was first to cross the bridge
On the edge of town.
Then he lit a stick of dynamite
And blew it to the ground.

When Luke got there the bridge was gone
But he knew just what to do.
He held on tight to his duck's neck
And across the brave bird flew.

After Jake went through the gorge
He blew the dam in two.
Water spilled to flood the route
So no one could now get through.

Luke arrived and found the way
Blocked by a great new lake,
But his duck jumped in and swam across
And began to catch up Jake.

Jake had to slow at the cactus field
In case his clothes got caught,
But Luke went underneath their spines
Because his duck was nice and short.

Luke and duck got back to town
To win and claim first place.
Jake slunk off to his hideout
With a great big sulky face.

The townsfolk stood amazed
And then everybody cheered.
Hooray!” they cried, “Hooray for Luke!
Hooray for being weird!”

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