Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Lenny The Ski Lion

Lenny was a fearsome lion.
There were none as fierce as he.
And Lenny had a life long dream
Which was to learn to ski.
The thought of whooshing down the snow
Filled every waking second.
He would be a great world champion
If he tried it, so he reckoned.

Now the animals around him
Thought the idea to be a winner.
They'd rather help him learn to ski
Than end up as his dinner.
They gathered round and called him over
On the plain so hot and sunny,
And got him a taxi, and plane ticket
They'd bought with all their money.

Lenny the lion jumped for joy
And did his special happy dance,
Then Boarded the first plane he could
That flew to Southern France.
He soon arrived, found his hotel
And clothes quite warm yet cool,
Some splendid skis made just for lions
And enrolled in the ski school.

His class was full of children
Having their first feel of snow.
Which made the mighty jungle king
Afraid to have a go.
But a little girl came up to him
Swamped in massive coat and hat,
She said “please will you hold my hand
Mr great big pussy cat?”

Lenny was shy and nervous
And had quite lost his voice,
But took the girl's hand in his.
He felt he had no choice.
Slowly they set off down the hill
With many falls along the way.
They learnt to turn and how to stop
And agreed to meet next day.

On that day they were better.
The following better still.
The fourth day they left the school
In search of a bigger thrill.
They squeezed inside a ski lift
With more people than they could count in.
And off they went with their skis
To the top of Danger Mountain.

They relaxed a while at the peak.
Drinking hot chocolate in the shop.
Then went to the top of the slope
Where Lenny had to stop.
I can't do it!” Lenny cried,
The hill is just too steep!”
Then he collapsed upon the floor
And the king began to weep.

Lenny and his little friend
Went down by cable car.
And were spotted by another cat
Who came from Africa.
Miguel, that was his name.
A world famous downhill skier.
His technique was nearly perfect,
He was fast and showed no fear.

King of the jungle?” Laughed Miguel.
but now everyone will know,
You're really just a big cry baby
Afraid of a bit of snow!
Why not watch me tomorrow
If you dare to show your face?
At the top of Danger Mountain.
I'll winning the big race!”

Lenny was there next day
In the air so cold and thin.
But not to watch his spotty rival,
Just to try his best to win.
Don't be silly!” Mocked Miguel.
You haven't got a chance!”
I'll beat you.” Lenny calmly said,
Then I'll do my happy dance.”

The field set off down the course,
Lenny first, Miguel behind.
He was spurred on by the thought
Of his words so cruel and so unkind.
He carved each turn so beautifully
The crowds just had to cheer,
But he couldn't lose his rival
Who stayed close to Lenny's rear.

Miguel thought that he would lose
So with his ski pole gave a clout
To the back of Lenny's legs
Causing our hero to wipeout.
He slid to the side of the piste
Where watching was his friend.
Never give up!” she cried, “Carry on!
Keep trying to the end!”

Up jumped Lenny and off he sped
At a quite breathtaking pace.
Determined to chase and beat that cat
That had stolen his first place.
He crouched down low, tightly tucked
And glided like he was flying.
He caught up Miguel but couldn't pass
Though he was really trying.

The mean cat swerved and pushed Lenny wide
Who shot into a bank of ice.
Miguel laughed and shouted back
Some really bad advice.
You're just a loser you big soft lion
With your silly mane of hair!
You'll never be a winner
If you're always playing fair!”

Lenny carried on the race
And saw Miguel lift up the cup.
He was sad and he was beaten.
No one could cheer him up.
As Miguel stood on the winner's step
Lenny saw what the crowd were doing.
They all threw snowballs at Miguel
Shouted “Cheat!” and started booing.

An organiser took back the trophy
Which caught Lenny by surprise.
You're the rightful winner!” He said,
This cup is now your prize!”
Lenny saw his little friend
And rushed to hug and greet her.
She told Lenny that he had won
Because Miguel was a big old...


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